Nine Things West Palm Beach Property Owners Can Do To Protect Against Pests

July 30, 2020
When residents think about South Florida, two things can come to mind. The first is beautiful sun-filled beaches, which make this place a year-round attraction in the United States; the second is year-round pests. Hot, humid weather seems to attract both people and insects in droves.
South Florida is certainly home to its fair share of pest problems, and having warm weather in every season means that South Florida residents must be extra cautious about infestations. Let’s talk about the common infestations that occur in our West Palm Beach, FL service area and how infestations can be prevented both inside and out.
Common Pests In West Palm Beach, Florida
There are two main classes of pests: insects and rodents. In South Florida, residents might experience an infestation of the following insects at any time of the year: ants, cockroaches, mosquitoes, bed bugs, centipedes, millipedes, and spiders. Most of these pests can spread serious diseases, from bacterial pathogens like salmonella and E. coli to viral infections like Dengue fever. Additionally, carpenter ants and termites can cause prolonged house damage, and some spiders in Florida are venomous.
Rodents are also a potential threat to residents of West Palm Beach. These include house mice, palm rats, roof rats, and black rats. All of these rodents can spread diseases through their feces, urine, and saliva. Additionally, they can cause property damage by building nests in your vents and pipes, or by chewing through your home’s insulation and electrical outlets.
All of these pests can get into your home year-round, and all of them can make your life more difficult. A prevention plan that can be maintained regularly is key, and West Palm Beach residents can remain diligent against pests by considering the following.
Indoor & Outdoor Pest Prevention Tips
- Proper food and trash storage. Pests that feed off your trash, pet food, and pantry items, such as rodents and ants, are likely to come inside if they sense an open pantry or trash can. Keep these spaces closed and secure, and keep your trash inside a garage or far away from the house in containers with tight-fitting lids.
- Declutter your house. Nocturnal pests, like cockroaches and bed bugs, will spend the day under cluttered spaces like clothes and junk piles.
- De-web your corners. Spiders are less likely to stick around if their common nesting spaces are regularly disrupted.
- Reduce indoor humidity. Moisture issues indoors can weaken the wood in your home and invite insects inside, so keep indoor leaks and humidity to a minimum.
- Clear yard debris. Leaves, stones, and woodpiles make for pest feeding and nesting grounds, and pests will almost certainly move indoors if they hunker down in your yard first.
- Move firewood at least 20 feet away from your property. This helps keep carpenter ants and termites away from your home’s foundation.
- Seal cracks in your home’s foundation. This includes door frames and window caulking as well as any potential entry points for pests.
- Remove standing water. Puddles can attract all types of pests, and some insects rely on standing water to lay their eggs (such as mosquitoes). It’s good to drain water away from your house and to keep gutters clear.
For the most comprehensive pest control in South Florida, it’s best to hire a regular pest professional who can maintain your property and detect the early signs of an infestation. The experts at Native Pest Management have the tools and experience to keep West Palm Beach families safe. Whether you’re experiencing an infestation or want to prevent one from happening, contact us today, and we’ll show you the difference that regular pest management can make.
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